
Puff, Puff, Mass.

Big Boston-baked ups go out to all the minutemen (snicker, snicker) and minutewomen (confused silence) who turned out last weekend for The Puffy Chair screenings at the Independent Film Festival of Boston. Mark and Katie had a blast meeting all of you and especially enjoyed the opportunity the trip afforded them to hunt and kill the wild game which provided the material for these stylish robes. Speaking of stylish material, make sure to head over to Hot or Not to to show your inappropriate appreciation of the very taut, supple, sexy fabric stretched oh-so-suggestively over every one's favorite Puffy Chair. And I don't want to see any 2.3s on there, people. I know it's anonymous and everything. But really, it hurts people's feelings. And for no good reason other than just to be a huge jerk...not that I would, uh, know how that feels or anything.


I Have Some Dates

No, not the kind that might end in nudity (or, just as likely, tears). Just release dates. But I realized that this blog has been lacking date news (both kinds) for quite a while now, so I thought I'd give you a quick heads up. Of course all these are tentative, subject to change, not set in stone, etcetera and so forth:

Wah-Wah opens in limited release May 12th.
The Puffy Chair opens in Austin, Boston, Washington D.C., San Francisco and Portland (Oregon) on June 2nd. And we currently have dates scheduled in Los Angeles on July 7th and NYC on July 14th.
Sarah Silverman: Jesus is Magic hits DVD on June 6.
The Road to Guantanamo opens in limited release on June 23rd.

OK, that's enough for now. We have some other cool movies coming out this fall. Some involving dogs. Some involving sex. Some involving both. But we'll hold off on those at least until later this summer. Maybe even the dog days of summer. Get it?? Get it??