
She doesn't stink...

...despite Variety's headline "Silverman has B.O. Magic." The "B.O." in question is the box office and the "magic" referenced means cash. Roadside wants to thank all of you who got out this weekend and saw Sarah Silverman: Jesus is Magic. You made it the highest per-screen grosser of the weekend. Grosser than Pride & Prejudice. Grosser than Zathura. And way grosser than Bee Season. But don't take my repeatedly-discredited word for it. Check out Indiewire's piece on the weekend box office and bask in the heavenly glow that is Sarah.


Open Wide! (well, actually limited. but whatever)

Eight months ago I saw the funniest movie of the year. And I didn't have anyone to talk about it with!! Which was rough. I've been going crazy ever since waiting for everybody else to get to see it so I could finally get some feedback. Well the big day is finally here. Sarah Silverman: Jesus is Magic opens today in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Diego and Minneapolis. So get out there, check it out, and then burn up your favorite message boards with your thoughts, praise and/or snide comments.

In the past few weeks, Sarah's gotten some awesome press in places like Rolling Stone, Entertainment Weekly and The New York Times, not to mention the 5,000 other interviews she granted last week in the course of breaking the world record for longest press day ever. And yet she still found time to sign a poster for her creepiest, smelliest, most annoying fan. And I will cherish it always.

Both of our premieres in NYC in LA were full-houses and seemed to be big successes. Many photos were taken. Many well-wishers were humored. Many toothpick cheeses were consumed. Oh, and here's the freakiest celebrity shot from either premiere. Ten bucks to whomever can identify the former Jennifer Love-interest pictured here.