
FIND Us Some Justice!!

"It's an honor just to be nominated" is one of those phrases like "I hope we can still be friends" or "At least he didn't suffer" or "Jesus loves you." You know, some crap people say to take some of the suck off of a sucky situation. Anyway, Saturday night at FIND's (or Film Independent, if you're not into the whole brevity thing) Independent Spirit Awards, The Puffy Chair went 0-for-2 in the awards categories, but 42-for-42 in the hors d'oeuvres portion of the evening. On the bright side (another one of those phrases), our crew did get to meet a ton of cool people, score a bunch of free drinks, rub up against Zooey Deschanel in a crowded room (that was just me) and Jay got to say "Hi Mom" on TV, NFL-style. The picture above was taken during happier times, namely Wednesday night's nominees reception which was hosted by Naomi Watts and stolen by Sarah Silverman. The fine FIND folks did a cool thing where they brought all the nominees up to the stage and let them pass the mic to say their name and the title of their film. Mark had a great joke planned where he was going to say "I'm Ang Lee, director, Brokeback Mountain." But Ang Lee beat him to it. Thankfully, Lee got his comeuppance last night when his "I wish I knew how to quit you" joke bombed at the Oscars.


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