
Here Comes the Judd

Hooray! We here at Roadside are thrilled to announce that we will be releasing Come Early Morning in the US this fall. The film was written and directed by Joey Lauren Adams and stars Ashley Judd in her best performance to date(IMHO). We all fell in love with the film at Sundance this year and have spent the past few months nailing down the finer points of the deal. We're tentatively scheduled to open Come Early Morning on November 17. Until then you can check out what Sundance had to say about the flick as well as the Hollywood Reporter's announcement of the deal. Although, you should note that in the Reporter piece, Mr. Goldstein erroneously refers to Ms. Adams as the "title character in Kevin Smith's Chasing Amy," when we all know good and well that Joey played Alyssa Jones and that the "Amy" of the title was actually the ex-girlfriend/object lesson in Silent Bob's hilarious yet heartfelt monologue which served as the centerpiece, and eventual overriding theme, to the picture.


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